
WordPress RSS – How to Generate Multiple RSS Feeds From One Blog

WordPress and RSS

WordPress does not have a lot of cool RSS features built in. That is one reason we love to use wordpress as our choice posting platform here at RSS 3.0

However there are some functionality and abilities that many people do not even know of and this is what we are going to discuss in this article. You can of course tell the feed how many posts to show and if you want your information syndicated as a description or full text and we do suggest that you use the full text of your posts, it's like getting more bang for you buck as far as getting your content out there.

However, What About Multiple RSS Feeds?

This is a topic that very rarely gets discussed, unless you buy some fancy course and that's not what we are about here. We are ready willing and able to share all the ins and outs of the rss world, so here we go!

Yes, wordpress is setup, by default ready to create as many different rss feeds as you could want.

Why would a person want more than one rss feed for the same web site or blog? Well for several reasons, the first and most obvious, being the fact that you can syndicate multiple rss feeds and drive more traffic back to your website by the extra exposure created. The second, may not be as important for smaller sites but is very important for huge sites or any web site with many categories of interest.

If you have a bunch of categories on your site and people interested in one may not be interested in the other, why not give your website visitors the control to choose with section of rss updates that they want to follow? This is a great way to get more subscribers to your rss feed and make sure that your subscribers are only getting the updated information that interests them.

WordPress Multiple RSS Feed – How To

We want to let everyone know that there are some plugins that will allow you to do this, but we have found them to be literal useless and then they want a back link on your site on top of there lack of development. So, that in mind you have been warned and here is what you need to do to create your own rss feeds from your site.

1. Make all the categories you want on the site and make sure that the children categories are named as you would like your rss feed to be named.

2. Go to the category of your blog that you want to make a new feed from.

3. In the address bar of your web browser, go to the end of the web address and add this / feed /

with the forward slashes!

4. Hit the enter key or load this web address you have just created.

5. You should now be looking at the RSS feed of that category, you've done it!

This process can be repeated for as many categories as you like. All you need to do is add the link to the appropriate rss feed where it may be needed. If you want, you may add a new text widget and put the links to all of your rss feeds in it, so the visitors can choose the feed they want. If you use rss submission software, make sure to add each separate rss feed that you have created. If you have any problems setting up your own rss feeds, please contact me and let me know, I would be glad to help in any way that I can.

To Success,

Nick Simpson

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