You have put together your resume and have the interview scheduled! However, it is common for hiring manager to interview as many as 30 candidates who meet the requirements of the position. What are you going to do the set yourself apart?
There are several elements in the interview process that most people are aware of, such as preparing good questions and closing the manager by asking for the next step in the interview process. What is not commonly known to many is to arrive at the interview with a specific strategy outlined in a 30 60 90 power point territory plan. This presentation is going to summarize your understanding of the position, your abilities to achieve the goals and identify strategies, to hit the ground running.
A 30-60-90-day plan is an outline of how you will manage your sales territory after you have the position. Basically, you map out how you will manage your time and work the territory and managed your job for the first 3 months. This exemplifies your skills at research, planning, organization, sales skills and overall territory management.
The first 30 days is focused on corporate and product training, meeting the corporate team, reviewing and meeting with current referral sources and mapping out your region.
Sample bullets:
• Attend corporate sales training
• Travel sales territory and introduce myself to physicians in region (list of names can be put on a separate attached page)
The first 60 days become more focused on the field and getting the referral. This is done by reviews of your customers, meeting with managers and reading sales data,
Sample bullets:
• Meet with sales manager for feedback and review of current business
• Meet with all current referral sources
• Identify key accounts
• Identify lost accounts strategize recapture
The first 90 days is maximum emphasis on sales. Not only are you calling on current referral sources, you are now bringing on your own accounts, creating new opportunities and scheduling programs. You also continue to request performance feedback and cultivate relationships with the team. (Remember to get as detailed as possible, this shows you have done your homework on the product and territory.)
Sample bullets:
• Generate first referral from San Antonio infusion center for IVIG
• Collaborate with manufactures rep from Baxter to increase sales in San Antonio
When doing your plan it is important to have basic information for each month, it is also very important to format your plan correctly.
• First choose your format. Using a PowerPoint presentation allows you to use bold and eye capturing colors and design ( also print out hard copies of the presentation to leave with the hiring team along with your resume)
• Lead into the plan with an objective page
• Include a page of key referral sources you currently bring to the table
• Do your research on the product and region and list the name s of the referral sources you are going to go after
• If you include a bullet on personal growth, include what training tools or book title you will use
• If the hiring manager has not requested you bring a 30 60 90 plan, it is a great tool for the close at the end of the interview. A sample lead in may be “Can I take a minute with you to review my 30 60 90 plan” This can answer any questions that has not been answered. It is also showing you have already invested in the position. “After reviewing my plan, is there any un- answered questions you have about my ability to do this job” If the manager has any objections it gives you the opportunity to meet his/her objections.
Now that you have the tools, go out and get that job!