
Wusthof Culinar Knives – Are You Ready For It?

This article will discuss the Wusthof Culinar range of knives by the German knife maker. If you’ve already seen Wusthof Culinar knives, then you have to admit these are beautiful craftsman work. Their exceptional design make these full stainless steel perfectly balanced, and just like any Wusthof knife they are extremely sharp.

Are You Ready For A Wusthof Culinar Set?

First let’s clear some confusion you may have with the Culinar knives about the handle. I’ve heard people commenting on the handle not being part of the single piece of steel. They are right, but the knives are still forged from one piece of stainless steel: from the tip of the blade to the end of the tang, there’s just one piece of steel. Then the handle is sealed to the tang.

So, to be completely clear, the tang is the part that extends from the blade and stays inside the handle.

This is still the main difference of a Wusthof Culinar knife with other Wusthof lines (Classic, Ikon, Classic Ikon, Gourmet, etc.): that the knife is totally metal colored. Also, there is only one rivet in the handle instead of three. These knives really have a sense of elegance and fluidity.

If you are looking for great kitchen knives, that both have the optimal sharpness to meet all your cutting needs and bring some modern design, then a Wusthof Culinar set will ideally fit your requirements. Presented in a nice wood block they look even more gorgeous pieces of art.

Here are the features of these Wusthof knives:

Of course there is a Wusthof Culinar knife for every use, and if you decide to buy a set, be sure to include a Chef’s knife, vegetable knife, paring knife, utility knife. You are of course free to add more specialty knives per your own wishes.

Few Words On Maintenance and Care

Most premium knives are dishwasher ready. However, these knives should always be washed by hand with a mild cleanser, and manufacturers like Wusthof recommend you don’t throw these in the dishwasher.

These knives are strong but delicate too, you don’t want them to get scratched by other tableware elements inside.

IF you need to restore the blade, few strokes on a sharpening steel will do a great job. Also, because your Wusthof Culinar knives are made to last for decades, they come with the Wusthof lifetime warranty.

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