
You Can Have a Dog and a Beautiful Lawn Too, With Synthetic Grass

Any dog owner can tell you: dogs and grass do not mix. You love your four-legged friend more than anything in the world, but you probably don’t love the muddy spots, yellow grass, trails and bare spots he or she leaves on your lawn. But now, you can have your cake and eat it too, or in other words, have a dog and a beautiful lawn too, with a synthetic grass lawn.

Not only is artificial grass beautiful and low maintenance, but dogs love it! The soft, realistic synthetic grass lawns of today are perfect for dogs to play, lay and roll around on – with none of the downfalls normally encountered with having a dog and a lawn.

Dog waste can discolor or stain normal grass, leaving ugly muddy spots and yellow grass all over your lawn. But with a quality synthetic pet turf, urine drains right through and won’t leave an odor. Droppings can be scooped or hosed off, and you can use any household cleaner to get rid of messes. You can easily wash down and disinfect your lawn if needed, leaving a clean, germ-free environment for everyone to enjoy. Your yard will always be available for sports, games and activities without the worry that you might step into an unexpected “surprise” on the lawn.

Wouldn’t it be nice to eliminate muddy paws and dirty dogs from your home? With good artificial turf you can spend less time cleaning your dogs and your home, and spend more time enjoying your beautiful, resilient landscaping instead. In addition, you will no longer need to use toxic pesticides that could pose a danger to your furry friend.

Most synthetic grass is very low maintenance, saving you significant time and money over the years. A high-quality synthetic lawn can last anywhere from 20 to 25 years, and will more than pay for itself in water bills and maintenance savings.

Not all synthetic lawns are alike, however. When shopping for a dog-friendly synthetic lawn, be sure to check for the following:


Drainage is paramount in artificial turf, especially when a dog is involved. Turf with drilled holes in the back for drainage is not suitable for dogs, and will not drain properly, leaving your lawn smelling of urine. Look for an artificial turf company that offers special pet turf guaranteed to drain faster than natural grass, or better yet, ask your local pet humane society, pet care facility or dog park which artificial turf they use. These locations see many more dogs using their grass than you, and will definitely be able to tell you what works and what doesn’t.


Many companies still use nylon in their artificial grass which can be dense, abrasive and worst of all, is absorbent. Nylon fiber grass will absorb dog liquids resulting in a horrible smelling lawn. When shopping for your artificial grass, find a company that uses 100% pure polyethylene fibers. Polyethylene is soft and silky, yet is designed to stand up to years of use and exposure to the elements; and it will not absorb liquids.


Many companies will say their grass is durable, but then again, they’re trying to sell their product. Investigate the turf surface as well as the infrastructure of the grass. Much like a blade of grass or a leaf out in nature, artificial grass blades with a built-in “spine” are far more resistant to damage from foot traffic and busy paws.

It’s time to stop worrying about your lawn and start spending more time with your precious pooch – get a quality synthetic grass lawn today!

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