
4 Humorous Reasons to Drive a Right Hand Drive While Your Country Drives on the Right

Driving on the right sounds wrong only in roughly 35 per cent of the world. In most parts of Europe and U.S., driving on the right is the ‘rule of the road’ for quite some time, it wasn’t always like that and you can read some historical literature if you want to find out more about that.

In this article, we will discuss 4 reasons why could you choose Right Hand Drives as your primary means of transportation, even if almost every other car in your country has the wheel on the left.

1. RHD’s are usually Jeeps.

Jeeps look great by default. Combine that with a weird Right Hand Drive and you have yourself a pretty sharp image, which is slightly weird and interesting in the same time.

2. You can high-five people on the pavement!

Imagine the excitement of breaking your arm, transferred to a car full of laughing people. If I were you, I would not do that, but it’s completely up to you. Don’t forget to watch the road though.

3. You can act as if you are a foreigner!

Get an aussie accent, a car that has it’s wheel on the right and you’re set to go. Most people find foreigners interesting, you just have to think of an explanation on how did you get your car overseas.

4. Buy an RHD if you want to look prestigious.

People do that in Japan all the time, except regarding the opposite sides, since it drives on the left. It’s considered that people who drive expensive Left Hand Drive BMW cars are rich and separate themselves from ‘the lower classes’ with cars that are not meant for the roads in Japan.

Although driving an RHD prohibits ordering food in driveby restaurants (if you do mind a car accident, that is), it can be quite fun. And although this article didn’t prove it, it still makes more sense now than it did before, does it?

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