
How to Get Rid of Mold on Concrete

More and more homeowners are starting to realize the importance of getting rid of that microscopic fungi called mold on their basement or other concrete surfaces. Since mold needs moisture and dirt to grow, it will be usually found in those areas of your house where there is moisture or humidity in the air. While mold is usually found in bathrooms and kitchens, it also flourishes in basement areas. According to the latest studies, mold will usually grow on wet laundry, carpet, wood, pipes, but most often on the concrete in your basement.

Mold has been found to discolor concrete, because of its pores that seep deep into concrete. To get rid of mold on concrete, you need to do more than to simply clean its surface with a wet cloth. It is imperative to remove the mold from your concrete, because it is a health threat to both people and animals. There are three ways to get rid of mold:


Always wear safety equipment – protect your eyes,skin and lungs

1. Seal the cracks if you deal with serious mold problems and you need more than just a regular scrubbing, you should try sealing all the cracks. This problem might be just a part of a bigger structural issue in your home. Chances are that there might be many cracks in the walls or concrete, which will consequently let moisture to come into your house. The solution is to pay a visit to the closest hardware store, checking for a modern waterproofing tool that will help you seal up all cracks in the walls and concrete.

2. A solution of water and bleach: the recommended formula is usually 4 parts water and 1 bleach. All you need to do is to scrub at the moldy spots until it’s gone. If the mixture won’t work, you can always purchase special cleaning products from the hardware store or even online. However, pay extra attention to the solution, because it is dangerous stuff. Protect yourself with a pair of resistant rubber gloves and other protective gear.

The process is not that complicated. Simply saturate the floor with your mop, and then start soaking and scrubbing. Make sure the entire surface is soaked with bleach before you start. In the end, mop up the excess water and then open up the doors and windows in order to expose the concrete to circulating air. Keep in mind that you should never use a sponge mop, because the bleaching solution might damage your mop.

3. Call a contractor: if there is water coming up from below your house foundation right into the concrete, the problem is really serious, so you should call a contractor. Even if you think you can solve this problem all by yourself, it’s still recommended to appeal to a professional. He will take off your flooring in order to reach the original foundation of concrete, which has to become exposed. The next step is to pour a new layer of concrete. Remember that this layer has to be at least 1.5 inches thick. If you want to help the professional, don’t forget to have some ventilation going and also to wear a mask and a good pair of gloves.

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