
Perfect Party Supplies for a Hawaii Five-O Themed Celebration

During the Seventies, the elite force known as Hawaii Five-O headed by Detective Steve McGarett of the Honolulu state police caught the imagination of thousands of home viewers. Currently, a new generation of TV audience is discovering the thrill of watching the revival of this famous crew as they solved a challenging case in each episode. For all the fans of both the old and new versions of Hawaii Five-O, a similarly themed celebration would be great during the holidays, on a birthday, or for a summer house party. See the following ideas for Hawaiian Tiki and Luau party supplies.

Seashells, Starfish, Seahorse, and Beach Decors

Whether the scene is a tropical paradise situated inland or a sandy beach beside the ocean, an array of seashells and starfishes should never be missed in your party decors. You can buy a mixed scoop of tiny shells or a kilo of brightly colored horn or whelk seashells. You may use large flat scallops to serve side dishes during meals. You also have a choice between white clams, cowries, and spiked shells as place card holders. You can add mini starfishes to the party invitation along with a sprinkle of sand for a nice beach party theme.

One of the best ideas for a table décor is a hurricane lamp made from wide rum glasses. Fill these up with a couple of inches of sand. Decorate with tiny seashells and mini starfishes before pushing down a pillar candle in its midst. Make sure the glass rim is taller than the candle to prevent the breeze from killing the flame sooner.

Tiki Huts and Totem Party Props

Of course, nothing speaks of the Hawaiian heritage more than the scary totem faces we often see on cultural sites. Gracing sculptures, vases, and traditional masks, these grotesque images are both an artistic expression and a symbol of the natives’ reverence towards their gods. Decorate your party venue with totem poles and tiki statues. Choose either cardboard cut-outs or plastic tiki images to set the scene. Sunken tiki backdrops and tiki hut props are also available for instant wall decors. As for the real thing, tiki torches are easy to make with bamboo and kerosene lamps.

Typically, a Hawaiian luau would have leis or grass skirts for the guests to wear. A Frangipani hair clip for the women is also a good idea. A coconut or pineapple cut in half could hold a cocktail juice like Four Season. Some party goers like to drink beer. So, wrap a little grass skirt around the bottles as decoration.

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