
Putting a Personal Development Plan Together

Developing a Personal Development Plan is critical to success in business. We must start from the beginning and build each article. We will be exposing you to all of the steps. The structure of this plan must start with mind mapping and brainstorming all of things that you will create in your life and business. The brain dump must flow and be without self criticism and should be free and empowered not restrictive in any way. The following paper will outline some areas that you will want to focus on to be successful in this exercise.

Personal Development Plan for Your Health

You must take care of your health before anything can make sense. You must set up ALL of the amazing accomplishments that can grow from a well nourished and lean, healthy body. This is a pertinent key to holistic plan. I see so many who just see one or two aspects of success. Health is so essential for your mind, your vision, your leadership, and your creativity. Stress does not produce good results, but health creates outstanding results. You must focus on your health both mentally and physically. Working out and meditation is key to starting your day with an empowered mindset to conquer and win through out the day. Get going now…list all the wonderful things you want to create in your life from the energy of a fit body and mind. Here are some examples:

  1. I am creating new and fresh ideas for wealth and prosperity every day as I work out in the gym.
  2. I am creating new prosperous relationships from my healthy and energized body each day.
  3. I am attracting amazing business partners who will change the world with me as eat food that is fuel for power.
  4. I am discovering new talents and abilities from a place of health.

You are getting the point. Always state in present tense. Put forward and real faith in the accomplishment. You will be amazed at the results. Mind map this and watch what pours out of you. Health is so key! Here are the some tips for you as you brainstorm:

  1. MOVE – Always move walk up and down stairs at work not the elevator. Make calls on a walk. MOVE!!!
  2. Eat a balanced diet. We have found that Isangenix is a great program for cleansing your body and move you in the direction of eating for power.
  3. Be Active in Exercise Program – Cycle, run, play racquetball, get out and be involved in adventure. Make it fun but get going!
  4. Manage your stress – God says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Be still meditate, destress, disengage and breathe! Pray and meditate to slow down. Do not take yourself so seriously.

In conclusion, get get yourself to take massive action steps to health. This is fundamental to becoming a strong and visionary leader. We have found that looking at food as fuel in your tank forces us to evaluate what we put in our body, Balanced exercise, movement, breathing and nutrition leads to powerful and enriched leadership in business, family and life.

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