
Sex Offenders Rationalize Their Behavior

Sex offenders rationalize and/or minimize their actions as well as the consequences to him or herself and to his or her victims. Sex offenders convince themselves the child won’t remember, or they justify to themselves that they are entitled because ________. They deny any responsibility for safety and protection of all harm of a child.

They protect themselves by manipulating the child into being a co-conspirator or forcing the child to take responsibility either through intimidation, threats or sometimes even physical violence. They justify their actions by aggrandizing their authority. “I’m a good [father, grandfather, uncle, a good provider.] I am your [father, grandfather, mother, aunt], I can do what I want. I put food on the table and clothes on your back. Once the sex offender has rationalized and justified their actions they believe their own lies. They become an expert at manipulation; they escape adult reality; and are good at pretending that their behavior is not harming the child. They may expend great energy maintaining this illusion to themselves as well as others. They create a persona of goodness beyond reproach. Any one who sees through this well-honed facade is met with admonishment and rebuke for being critical, irrational and/or jealous (Michael Jackson and his legal team-simply distracts our attention from his behavior by accusing the victim is using him for their own greediness-they want to extort money.) The sex offender is the family and society’s emperor with no clothes. And we are, as a society, allowing it.

The media is the major purveyor of misinformation regarding sex offenders and sexual child abuse.

See articles at EzineArticles.com: Oprah Isn’t Always Right, Common Myths About Child Sexual Abuse and Incest, Obfuscation Rules the World, More Evidence: Obfuscation Rules the World.

“For too long we have focused on What To Do after the damage is done. It is time to focus on What To Do before the damage is done.” Claire R. Reeves, President/Founder/CEO, Mothers Against Sexual Abuse (MASA)

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