
Surviving a Hip Fracture

Surviving a hip fraction is a big deal. A break in that area of ​​the body is more severe than a broken arm, or even a broken leg. With a cast and a sling, you can still go about living, even though it may be more difficult. If you break a leg, a pair of crutches or a wheelchair can get you up and moving in no time at all. But, a fraction of the hip can lead to life and death types of complications.

Especially for the elderly, surviving a hip fraction, beyond a year, have worse odds than living longer after a stroke. If you know someone who has ever suffered a stroke, then you can understand how serious a hip fraction must be.

Because a hip fraction often leads to trauma or a long stint in bed, many senior citizens will suffer additional complications like blood clots. With age, the circulatory system slows down. Add a very sedentary lifestyle and blood clots can become a big problem.

Typically, a clot will develop in a leg; but, it does not stay there. Without the clot is resolved, elderly people can suffer deadly pulmonary edema, if the clot travels to the lung or the heart. Then, forget about the hip fraction, because this new health issue is probably responsible for your death.

It will Never Happen to Me

It is human nature to think disaster will never happen to me. But, while you are looking the other way, a split-second fall changes your life forever. Truth be told, you have a 50% chance of experiencing a hip fraction after the age of 65. Now, even if you are not a betting person, you can not help but understand that those are really lousy odds.

The Proactive Approach

So, the better attitude to adopt is to assume you have a big chance of experiencing a hip fraction. Therefore, you need to know what to do, in order to be safer and reduce the odds of becoming a statistical.

To begin, do everything possible to maintain good bone health. If that means taking osteoporosis medication, changing your eating habits, and developing a low impact exercise program, then do it!

Next, do everything possible to make your home and your daily activities just a little bit safer. For example, many elderly citizens have a serious falls in the bathroom. The tub or shower is slick, or the floor becomes wet, and the next thing you know, you are on the floor wishing you had a phone in your hand to call for help.

So, in addition to becoming a member of some alert program, install handrails anywhere in the bathroom that you could use a little extra support, like getting in / out of the shower. Raised toilet seats are also available to make sitting and standing a little safer. Think about any devices or equipment that can ensure the restroom is a safer place.

Then, go through the entire house. Check out disability aids sites to familiarize yourself with the available products. As you go from room to room, see what could be implemented to make your daily activities less precarious.

In short, surviving a hip fraction is a whole lot easier, if you can just avoid one in the first place. Even with the best of care, you will be susceptible to complicating health conditions that might prove to be fatal. So, take the proactive approach, and do everything you can to make your home a safer place to live.

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