In the following we will provide instructions about how to perform one easy but powerful tarot cards meditation technique. At first glance, meditation and tarot are two disciplines far apart from one another. This, however, need not be true. Our meditation can benefit from using the tarot cards since they are strong and potent visualization objects. On the other hand, tarot card practitioners can use meditation as a tool for discovering new, previously unknown, relationships between the cards and their symbols.
Here is a step by step guide into a relatively simple but efficient tarot meditation method. The goal we are trying to achieve is to project our consciousness into one selected Tarot card at a time.
- The duration of your tarot meditation is up to you, but it should not exceed 10 minutes in the beginning phase.
- You should use only the Major Arcana Tarot Deck. More precisely, you should start with The Fool, Card number 0 and successively go through all the Major Arcana up to The World, Card nr. 21. After a month, if you feel like doing it, you can extend the meditation time to a maximum of 30 minutes.
- It is not unimportant what tarot deck you use in this type of meditation. Take a look at our suggestions for online purchase of tarot decks.
- Position your card in front of your eyes. Adjust the distance, so that you can observe all the details without any effort.
- Gaze at the Tarot Card for a couple of seconds. Then close your eyes and mentally try to reproduce what you have just observed. Open your eyes again and notice the differences between your mental image and the card itself.
- Repeat step 4 several times, while gradually increasing the gazing period, and equally, the period where you visualize the card with your inner eye. Remember that your complete meditation should not exceed 10 minutes.
While doing this exercise, it is very important to teach yourself to be a neutral observer. No involvement, no projections, no tensions of any kind. Just be there and look at the image on the selected Tarot card with ease and in total relaxation.
After some time, you will see how (provided that you managed to be sufficiently relaxed) it takes virtually no effort from your side to see the exact copy of the Tarot card you have just gazed at projected on your inner screen. When you have mastered this step, you will have completed the first phase of this tarot meditation.
After this beginner’s level, you are ready to take on another step. Now, we will try to make the inner image more vivid and alive. We will try to transform it from being a 2D image into a 3D real live object. If done properly, the frame of your selected tarot card will become a window (or a portal) into another world. This world will be filled with light, color, objects and figures. In meditation, you should do the same thing: be there and observe this vivid image in peace and calm.
Yet another, more advanced stage would be stepping through that portal, and entering (projecting yourself into) that created live image. It can be an astral or mental projection, but it need not be. You will be there, and you will be observing the environment. You are passive, but you are conscious and observing.
What will happen afterward, depends on the individual features of the person doing this form of tarot meditation. Maybe, you will realize some new relations between a given pair of symbols, or new activity among the figures of the Tarot Card. Use all your senses to discover the hidden meaning of the symbols. When this inner image becomes more real than the external image depicted on the card, you have established the most important prerequisites for symbolic communication.
At the end, it is important to terminate your meditation properly. You should reverse the steps in the following way.
1. Extract yourself from the inner image.
2. Reduce it from a 3D to a 2D image.
3. When this image has become similar to the one depicted on the card, focus on recording your inner meditative experiences. Best way is to write them down, or verbalize them in some way. By doing this last step after each meditation session, you will establish a bridge between your normal superficial consciousness and the deeper levels of your psychic. Thus, the benefits of this tarot card meditation exercise will be expressed through your ability to access and understand your sub-conscious content more easily. And, the fact is there is hardly any self-growth and self-realization without getting to know and dealing with the deeper levels of your own being.