
Construction Jobs Vs Cubicle Jobs?

Well, this very question would probably bring a popular movie to your minds. Have you ever seen Office Space? If so, then your opinion is probably swayed towards the construction job. Office Space has probably tainted the image of the cubicle job forever and glorified the construction job in its place. According to the movie, a cubicle job is drab, monotonous, confusing, and pointless; construction jobs, on the other hand, are meaningful, refreshing, and a great source of exercise. So for all you Office Space fans, construction jobs, construction manager jobs, contractors, and every other position in the construction business easily trump any and all positions in the white-collar industry.

For those of us who have actually worked cubicle jobs, the film rings true on many levels. I, for one, have had experience in the data entry field. I changed the date and added page numbers to thousands of accounts daily, and never knew what that even accomplished. I’d work for about an hour a day, and would spend the rest of the day walking around the building, reading a variety of books, and listening to a handful of new CDs I had checked out from the library. The job was easy, to say the least. Spending 6-7 hours a day reading books while listening to the library’s music collection was just like 6-7 hours of leisure time, only I was getting paid for it. So it’s hard for me to complain about cubicle jobs. However, at the end of the day, I felt like I had accomplished very little. There were other jobs I could take on that would pay better for fewer hours, and I would actually accomplish something. The hours of listening to music, though, were priceless! I definitely benefited from studying all the classics.

However, for those who have to work all day long in cubicles, staring at computer screens, and typing all day with a fury, they would probably appreciate the simplicity and project-oriented nature of the different jobs in construction. Perhaps they wouldn’t be interested in the physical labor of it, but they might be interested in construction management jobs. They’d still be spending most of their time outside, under the sun and in the refreshing outdoors, and they’d be working on specific projects. They’d lead a team of construction workers to complete a project from start to finish, and would be able to spend those last few minutes appreciating a job well done.

When working in a cubicle, we often don’t see the finished product for anything we work on. We do our part and pass it along to the next man. It’s the virtual assembly line. We take care of only one aspect of the project before passing it along to someone down the hall, who then finishes his/her part and passes it along to someone upstairs, who then passes it along to…well, you get the idea. By the time the project is finished, only a select few even know about it and can appreciate its completion. Although there is not nearly as much satisfaction for them because they didn’t see the project in all its construction stages.

However, on the plus side, cubicle workers are much less likely to ever injure their backs. Well, maybe that’s not true. If they live in a house and need to lift things, like every home owner does, their backs will be ill-prepared to lift it. They’ve been sitting on a chair all day, and their muscles are in a state of atrophy if they’re not taking time out each day to hit the gym. Therefore, construction workers who are constantly using those back muscles are more prepared to continue lifting them. So it’s a bit of a toss up. Construction jobs entail all kinds of heavy lifting, and constant heavy lifting, day after day, which is very likely to lead to back injury. For cubicle workers, they won’t be lifting heavy things nearly as often. In fact, it’ll be downright rare for them to pick up something heavy. But when that time comes when they’re needed for some lifting, their backs won’t be ready for it, and they’re likely to injure their backs during that first heavy lift. This can be avoided, of course, if they choose to exercise at the gym regularly. If they lift weights each day, in a controlled environment, then they’ll be prepared to lift heavy things around the house and will most likely be free of injury.

Cubicle workers are also better paid. People looking for a construction job aren’t necessarily looking for those jobs because of the pay. They’re just looking for a job that they’re capable of handling. They want a job that requires physical labor and simple projects. People with little schooling, for example, are perfect for these jobs because they don’t qualify for much else. You don’t need any schooling for jobs in construction; however, you do need schooling for even the most menial position if you’re to work at a cubicle. Even those pathetic data entry jobs require some kind of schooling. Most of those positions are considered temp jobs or internships for people who aspire to take a full-time salary position at the company. So, that company will only hire people who seem to have the potential to move up in that company.

Construction jobs have their pros and cons, like any other job. Many people enjoy the simplicity of it. Jobs in construction don’t require a serious focus or any moments of brain-wracking intensity. It’s all quite stress free. Construction workers work with their hands and it’s really as simple as that. So for all those who want to take a break from deep thinking, brain-wracking, page turning studying, a job in construction might be just what you’re looking for!

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