Trying to get ahead financially these days is an extremely difficult goal to accomplish and a lot of people are finding that even the basic advantages we used to take for granted are becoming harder to acquire. There was a time that any substantial job would include such benefits as an excellent employer sponsored health care package. That is no longer the case as business owners look for ways to trim their own expenses so they cannot just keep the doors open to their business but so they can turn a profit as well. A person is fortunate to retain any health care benefits offered by their employer and it is not uncommon for that employee to shoulder a portion of the costs for this advantage. It is also rare to find that this package contains anything extra such as dental or vision coverage. Most of the time a vision plan is attained at an extra cost to the employee and it must be analyzed to see if this addition cost is worth it. A truly comprehensive employer sponsored health care package will contain:
1. Low deductibles – This is a great benefit that reduces the out of pocket expenses to be paid by the employee. The rates for insurance go down when a business chooses to let the employee carry the burden of high deductibles and large co-payments so this is an appealing type of insurance to carry on their employees.
2. Dental insurance – A group rate for dental insurance that includes regular checkups and cleanings is such a great perk to workers. There is almost always an extra charge for orthodontics work but oftentimes a good dental insurance contract will pay most of the cost for these checkups and cleanings and a portion of any dental work such as fillings and crowns. These can result in significant savings to an average family who takes advantage of these offerings.
3. Mental health evaluations and treatment – There was a time that this was considered unnecessary but thankfully as more and more people are taking advantage of available mental health resources this insurance will accommodate them. Diagnosis, counseling and mental health medications are often available at a small cost to the employer and employees are finding that this form of treatment saves the business time that would have been lost by absenteeism and poor work habits.
4. Large pool of physicians in network – It is a distinct advantage to be able select a doctor from many that are available rather than a handful that are located nearby. The quality of care and the continuity of having the same doctor are extremely valued by the patient and contribute greatly to a good insurance program.
5. Regular eye screenings – When this benefit is offered it is a service that can detect early stages of eye diseases such as Glaucoma, Cataracts and Macular Degeneration. These diseases are notorious for robbing people of their sight and are feared by many folks. When they are found to be present at their beginning stage, they are much more easily treated and can often improve or at least preserve current eyesight possibilities for a person.