
How to Build a Home Sauna – Planning a DIY Sauna

Building a home sauna need not be an arduous or difficult task. In fact it is within the reach of most do-it-yourself home improvers and, just like any project, the key is good planning and a methodical approach to the location, design and build of the sauna.

1. Location

The first thing to decide is where to locate your sauna. This will determine its maximum size and the availability of energy sources and ventilation. With electric, gas and wood burning stoves, plus new infra red heaters, there is plenty of choice. These options make the locating of a home sauna possible in an unused bedroom, study, bathroom, loft, cellar, garage or separate outbuilding or cabin.

2. Size

Sauna size may affect the choice of location. Unused bedrooms are often selected and these can usually meet most home sauna requirements. If however the sauna is only intended for one or two users at a time it may be possible to partition off a section of a bathroom.

3. Cost

It is important to have a budget in mind. Materials like the timber wall and ceiling linings, plus bench seating, can be estimated by the square yard (metre), so the bigger the more expensive. Additionally, a large sauna will require a more powerful heater, or multiple heaters/stoves.

4. Heat source

Decide on the kind of heater required. All fossil fuel burning stoves require a flue, so saunas situated within the home can be fitted more easily if they use an electric stove, or an infra red heater. In the case of a stove, an electric unit will simulate the hot stone effect of a conventional wood or gas stove, but without fumes, gases and toxins. Infra red heaters use safe radiation to warm the surface of the skin (similar to sunshine) and do not increase air temperature.

5. Materials and kit type

Obtain all of the sauna materials required. This can most easily, cheaply and effectively be done by buying a sauna home fabrication kit. These kits can be purchased based on sauna size, desired heater type (and power output) and room fitting requirements. Sauna kits come in two forms.

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