
Lift Chair Features to Look For

 Lift  chairs look almost exactly like the typical recliner that any living room might have. The difference is that  lift  chairs gently and slowly rise and pitch forward when the person using it wants to stand up. This helps a person stand on his or her own where they might need the help of another person to rise from a regular chair or recliner. A  lift  chair is one of many aids to daily living that can give an elderly or handicapped person the independence of standing up and sitting down without human help. Maintaining independence is the number one goal of elderly people, and  lift  chairs can be the perfect investment for those who are able to care for themselves, but who might have trouble rising from a seating or reclining position.

 Lift  chairs usually have a convenient button or set of buttons to push rather than relying on the typical wooden lever you find on most recliners. The great benefit of having a  lift  mechanism that has electronic controls is that it doesn’t require the arm strength you need to operate a recliner lever – something that many fully able-bodied people sometimes have trouble with.

Another advantage of  lift  chairs is that they are not only built for assisting rising from a seated position, but also for comfort. After all, what good is a  lift  chair if it’s uncomfortable and the person it belongs to doesn’t use it? They are generally made with the kind of deep foam cushioning you’ll find in a luxuriously comfortable recliner. Many of them recline fully and make a comfortable place to nap. But there are models that only recline a little bit, and this type is favored by some people who aren’t interested in sleeping in their chair.

 Lift  chairs do not take a back seat to regular furniture when it comes to style. They are made in a variety of colors, with the option of fabric or leather upholstery. There are enough designs that everyone can find a chair that is not only comfortable and useful, but that looks great in any style decor. Choices abound so that people of any size or weight can find a chair that will “fit” comfortably and operate properly for many years.

Perhaps the best feature of a  lift  chair is the benefit of independence it brings to the person who uses it. Even if an elderly or disabled person lives in a household with people who are not disabled, the ability to stand up and sit down unassisted is a convenience that everyone in the household can appreciate. When a person who used to require help standing up from a chair can stand up with only the assistance of the chair, the convenience extends to other people in the household. People in the household who may have had to interrupt their daily tasks several times to assist the disabled person will now have more freedom. A  lift  chair means more independence, not only for the person who needs help standing up, but also for those in the household who had been assisting the person.

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