Make It A Date – Pottery Making a Favorite Among Couples

With internet dating on the rise, dating methods have continued to change over the years. As the way couples connect has broadened over the years, so have activities that couples engage in on dates. Dinner and a movie is no longer the standard date activity. One creative way to enjoy a date is to make pottery together. The good thing is that there are so many art and pottery options, from earthenware clay to ceramics, to meet the individual styles and tastes of any couple.

Many couples have found that painting pottery together, especially on the more nerve racking first dates, offers a common variable from which a comfortable, natural conversation can ensue. While applying dry glazes to a piece of pottery, couples can talk about everything from politics to work to family without the stress of staring across one another at the dinner table and trying to make conversation.

Drape molds are a great way to make a personal pottery piece on a first date. The particular drape, hump and slump mold can be used to made a variety of letters, forms and numbers with slabs of clay. Couples can make a mold with their initials or together work on letters to form one of their favorite words, such as LOVE, PEACE or JOY. Looking through any current design magazine, you will find the popularity of such inspirations, which allow your favorite sentiments to reside within the home.

What your future partner decides to create can also reveal parts of their personality that they might not be comfortable sharing on a first date. Painting a plate for a beloved grandmother or a coffee cup to get in with the boss, these are just a few things that might tell you a little more about a potential mate and more.

You don’t usually think that the creating a plate comes before dinner, but make it a first. Another creative idea for pottery making is to design plates together and then make dinner together. You can use the plates that you painted and/or deigned and then use that as a springboard for dinner conversation over you penne pasta and Caesar salad or whatever other culinary delight you create together. It has been said over the years that the couple who dines together stays together. Perhaps, the same could be true for the pottery making couples of the world. Much like the internet, it is certainly one of the modern ways of connecting.