
Tiki Bar Plan Made Simple

So you're looking for a Tiki Bar Plan? Well then you're in luck, im about to show you a few basic steps that will take you from knowing nothing about this subject to being able to build a tiki bar quickly and effectively. If you're looking for the full plan you can head over to my free blog, the link is in my bio box. Right now I will go over some of the basics and we can get to the rest later.

Here are some things to considering when constructing a tiki bar:

-I Have seen plastic tiki bar shells that sale for $ 850 at local hardware stores; this is a crazy price for something that can be constructed so simply and cheaply.

-You Need to realize that a tiki bar is merely a decorated table with a fancy roof. Yes that's right, there's not much to it. If you really think about it you can see that a tiki bar is very simple in design, yet many people look over this fact.

-You Can use any standard counter top from stores like Home Depot for the bar; all you need to do is mount the bar on a table. Home Depot will cut the counter top for you and they have many different designs.

-Home Depot and other hardware stores usually will mount the counter top for you; it does not get any simpler than this.

-Building A tiki bar is so simple, get an old table, get a counter top and find some material for your roof. I actually found a great Tiki roof at a local store in my area, if you look around you could probably do the same. You can check some local nurseries.

Now when considering the size of your tiki bar you should think moderate size for cost purposes. The counter top alone can be a lot more expensive if you go over 12 feet because they have to be custom ordered at most places. You could also go the cheaper route and decide to use some bare plywood which in reality would be just as effective. Either way is effective, now if you want to get into the nittty gritty and the full details and a tiki bar plan you can head over to my blog for a step by step guide. I hope this information has helped you. Good luck with your tiki bar building adventures, and I promise you it can be fun and highly awarding!

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