
Waking Up Early: Where It All Begins

If you're trying to learn how to wake up early then you'll probably find and find all sorts of tips online, in books, and even from friends who are early birds. But what you might not hear from any of those sources is that learning to wake up early begins in only one place if it does not come naturally for you.

That place is in the mind. You have to be absolutely and completely dedicated to the process because it's a really hard one. Not only are you working to create a good habit for yourself, but you're also working on breaking the bad habit of sleeping in, which makes learning this particular task even harder than others.

That does not mean it's impossible though. But it goes along with the old saying "mind over matter". You need to literally train your mind to be okay with the idea. If you start forcing yourself to do something and go against the grain of what your mind is wanting, then you might find it to be very easy to give up because that's what your mind will be urging you to do.

So the best advice anyone can give you before you get started on all the wonderful tips out there on waking up early is to just consider the idea for a few days. Run through your mind the positives this new habit will provide for you and the negatives of staying on the path you're currently on; doing this will help to ingrain in your mind that waking up early is a good thing. As a result hopefully the desire will bleed into your subconscious so that when your alarm goes off super early in the morning your motivation to actually get up will be able to conquer the morning fuzziness.

Of course many would argue that over-thinking it can make it even harder to accomplish waking up early. But that's not the idea here. The idea is to prep your mind for the task ahead. You do not want to completely shock your system or you might be setting yourself up for failure.

So before you begin working on all the wonderful tips available out there, give yourself this prep time. Let your mind get used to the thought and even crave the idea so that you are more likely to succeed at waking up as early in the morning as you'd like to.

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