The much sought-after Chanel Logo Earrings, as with other Chanel brand fashion and perfume products, are famous for the unmistakeable Chanel logo design. This design is formed by an interlocking double-C, one C faces forwards the second faces backwards. The double C originates from the full Chanel name, “Coco Chanel”, although this full name is less commonly used now.
There are many products which bear the famous Chanel mark, for example earrings and jewelry, sunglasses, watches, and fragrances. The Chanel logo design is perfect for their range of earrings in particular. The Chanel logo is itself a work of art, attractive simple and elegant, so why not use it as the focal point of their jewelry range? Unfortunately the range has changed considerably over time and now incorporates earrings and jewelry which is seen by some as “fussy” and overly complicated, relying less on the simple logo. In fact browsing the latest catalogue online there do not appear to be any traditional double-C earrings.
In addition there are many fake Chanel products being sold online, mostly originating from China Vietnam and Thailand, which are designed to trick buyers into thinking they are purchasing original Chanel merchandise. There is a simple way to tell of course – a real new Chanel product cannot be found at discount prices. If you want a new Chanel product keep in mind that you will have to pay full price for that quality. If you are tempted by someone selling supposedly new Chanel Logo Earrings at an impossibly low price, it is very likely they are selling fakes, and you will find later that the quality of the product is not comparable.
However, if you have set your heart on Chanel Logo Earrings then do not despair – there are a number of solutions. One of the joys of the internet is the ability to see products and store catalogues from all across the globe, simply and quickly. Having access to this global market you can always locate Chanel Logo Earrings, Purses and other products which are being sold by their current owners, potentially at significant discounts when compared to new Chanel prices. This also means you may be able to find older designs which you perhaps prefer.