
Growth Hormone Pathways in the Body

Growth hormone is an anabolic protein structure that is responsible the rate at which our bodies grow during childhood. The Human Growth hormone is one of the most important hormones with it's influence affecting many of our bodily functions, including;

– calcium retention in the bones
– increased muscle mass
– reduced fat mass
– stimulation of the internal organs, including the brain

The major variant of the human growth hormone is a protein made up of 191 amino acids, although other variations have been observed. But no matter which variant you look at, every version of HGH begins in the same place; the anterior pituitary gland. Based on signals from the hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary gland will "synthesize and secret GH in a pulsatile manner". The HGH will then be either absorbed by the liver, where it will stimulate the release of IGF (insulin-like growth factor hormone) or be absorbed by tissues that have HGH receptors, such as fat cells, muscle cells, and bone cells.

In the liver, HGH will stimulate the production and release of IGF. This hormone is responsible for all of the growth promoting properties of HGH as it will bind to cells that have metabolic abilities and either promote their growth (as in the case of muscle cells) or promote their destruction (as in the case of fat cells) . IGF also has a stimulatory effect on bone cells to promote bone growth.

If directly absorbed by tissue cells, HGH will attach to pre-existing receptors through the body and work similarly to IGF, by either stimulating a cell to grow or stimulating a cell to destroy itself. HGH has been known to have an effect on fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism through the body. Protein metabolism is stimulated positively resulting in the body's increased amino acid uptake, increased protein synthesis, and reduced protein breakdown. Fat metabolism is stimulated negatively resulting in the body's breakdown of triglycerides (fat molecules) to be used for other purposes through the body. Carbohydrate metabolism is stimulated negatively so that the body's glucose levels are maintained but this method is done in a coordination with insulin and many other hormones that are used to regulate blood sugar levels.

When naturally allowed to regulate itself, the HGH is a remarkable hormone that has an affect on almost every cell on our body, either directly or indirectly. It's role is most noticeable in the first few years of our lives when we grow at astonishing rates, however, even in adulthood, our pituitary gland still secretes significant amounts of HGH which helps regulate everything from our blood sugar to our fat deposits. Artifical HGH has similar results of natural HGH but because of the complexity of the hormone, it is often advised that artificial HGH only be taken if prescribed and monitored by a physician. Dietary supplements which help release reserves of natural HGH are more likely to allow the body to use it's natural pathways and thus allow the body to regulate itself more closely. Research is still needed for both artificial HGH and dietary supplements, however, if you're looking to make HGH part of your supplement portfolio, a natural source is probably the better choice.

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