Effects of Chronic Sinus Infections on Health

Sinus is a cavity sack or cluster of tissues which is caused by the degradation of tissues. The air cavities near the nose, if blocked can build up germs and bacteria and cause the nasal membrane linings to be infected. There are types of sinuses that can affect an individual’s health:

  • Frontal sinus of the forehead which is above the inner eye and eyebrow area
  • Ethmoid sinus which are above the nose and in between the eyes
  • Sphenoid sinus which is deep behind the nose and between the eyes
  • Maxillary sinus of the cheekbones below the eyes

According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, there are almost 31 million people in the U.S. alone who suffer from sinus related infections and diseases each year. Any sinus infection which lasts more than eight weeks and keeps re-occurring for a long time can have severe impacts on one’s health. If ignored and untreated, the inflammation of these cavity tissues can turn into chronic infections eventually affecting the chest and lungs in the body. A few of the symptoms of a sinus infection include but are not limited to are headaches, pain in the jaws, toothaches, pain and swelling in and around the eyes, ear aches, neck pain, and thick and coloured nasal discharge.

Infections to be Aware About

Chronic sinuses can have life altering impact on a person’s health. Some of the health impacts are listed below:

Continuous Infections: Any patient with chronic sinus which is ignored for a long time has a high chance of suffering excessive and repetitive infections in the face, specially the upper respiratory region. As per the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, such people are more prone to having infections in the ear, throat and chest. These continuous infections happen because of the huge amounts of mucus deposits which are not drained properly out of the system.

Chronic Infections: If the sinus problems are not duly and properly treated, it can lead to several complications with the infections it can cause. According to a data released by Mayo Clinic, Meningitis is one of the health impacts, where the infection can cause swelling and pressure in the brain and spine. Another infection that can be hazardous is the eye-socket infection, which if not treated promptly, can cause vision loss.

Tiredness: Fatigue and tiredness are another set of health problems that can sprout due to sinus. With the immune system of the body in an over working mode to fight off the infections, it can leave the person feeling tired all the time with need for a lot of sleep.

Postnasal Dripping: As per the American Academy of Otolaryngology, this happens to be one of the most common problems of a sinus infection. The continuous dripping of mucus at the back of the throat, can lead to issues like, sore throat, cough, chest congestion, stomach upset, bad breath and throat infections.

Dental Problems: The anaerobic bacteria released due to sinus infection can affect the mouth area and lead to dental concerns.