
Updating Your Customer With No Update

If you are looking for a mortgage and you decide to type the word "mortgages" in Google, you will be hit with over 100 million results!

Ok, so you have a little bit of adverse credit, say a couple of County Court Judgments (CCJs) and a few mortgage arrears, so to define your search you type in "adverse credit mortgages".

Hmmm, it has narrowed it down slowly but at 6 million, you are still none the wiser about who to contact.

So in typical websurfer style, you contact every company listed on the first page of Google! The question is, who will you actually do business with? Will it be the best looking website or the one with all the flashing images and animation? Not sure ?, well let me answer for you.

It will be the one who responds to you first and with a clearly defined plan of what tour next step should be. Even if it is a company who say that they have got your message and will come back to you in two hours with a couple of mortgage quotes, then that is fine because as the customer, you know that they are taking your inquiry seriously and that you know your business is important to them.

Forget the line, "biggest is best". The best is the company who come back to you quickly, with keen rates and who deal with you in an easy to understand, jargon free manner.

The most important point when dealing with a mortgage inquiry is:
Even if you have no update for the client, update them with no update!

What I mean by this is, if there is no news for the client then tell the client there is no news, as the worst thing for any client looking for a mortgage is to not know what is going on. So if there is nothing happening right now, tell them!

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